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How To Start In Pro Wrestling

By Guy Lovell

You have arrived at our page that will show you the fundamental steps on how to be a wrestler. Todays wrestling industry is a billion dollar industry filled with style, excitement , massive displays of the spectacular and epic , but the road to the promised land is not an easy thing.

Have you sat in front of the TV and thought "I'd love to try that"? To be a wrestler is the ambition of millions , yet in the real world these dreams hardly ever come true. Pro wrestling is a dog eat dog business and if you're not prepared for it then you can guarantee that you will be right there propping up the failure statistics.

Before you think about contacting a wrestling school or mentor you need to take a long hard look in the mirror and ask yourself "is this really what I want?". While many people are determined and optimistic about living out their dreams , there are a few physical and emotional qualities that are required to be a wrestler.

Obviously being in good physical shape is a must and conditioning is the key to success as a wrestler. I advise joining as many sports teams and get stuck into as many sporting activities as you can . The more sports you participate in, the higher the chances are you will have of getting into the gruelling business of professional wrestling.

You will be required to act. We are not talking about your promo talents; they are much further down the line . Given that wrestling is scripted , all the people participating needs to play a part. The 3 main roles are the hero , the villain and the law (the referee). The crowd spends their money for escapist theatre and a workers job is to suspend their disbelief.

You need to be confident and keep a positive outlook throughout your life. If you are not an assertive individual, you can forget about hitting the big time. The wrestling industry is a harsh world to break into and people with low self-esteem will be destroyed.

Dedication. It takes years to become what you see on television. They may make it look easy but trust me, it's not. You have to dedicate to full years of training and keep to it, regardless of what happens. Lots of people quit long before they start because they are not able to see it through.

Money. You need to know that, unless you hit the big time, you are never going to make a fortune from wrestling. In most cases you will be spending what you make in the ring on your wrestling classes. Make sure that you have separate income and don't envision wrestling as a something you are going to make a career from in the immediate future. Many independent performers do it for the love of wrestling and this is where you need to begin.

If you answered no to any of the above then I'm afraid that you are already up against it. If you can honestly answer yes to all of the above points, you will be glad to find out that you have the groundwork that can be built upon and our site will help you to understand how to be a wrestler and what you need to do.

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